The LJID Board of Directors
Steve Benzschawel
Dave Owens
Vice President
Peter MacMillan
Adrienne Owens
Doug Van Metre
Board Member
Paul Fliegel
Board Member
Alan Isaacson
Board Member
Mark Goessl
Board Member
Kirk Linderholm
Board Member
Bylaws of the LJALID
Lake John Improvement District's purpose is to provide a tax based funding mechanism to monitor, maintain and improve Lake John’s water quality, and thereby preserve the lake’s fishing, shoreline, natural surroundings and recreational potential. LJALID will work within the lake community and cooperatively with the Lake John Association, Inc., County, and State agencies to develop annual work plans and budgets to meet these goals.To achieve these objectives the following water-related land and resource management programs and
services may be undertaken by LJALID:
a. Develop and implement a comprehensive plan to improve water quality.
b. Apply for private and public grants and enter into contracts with federal or state agencies for the study and treatment
of pollution, water quality, weed problems and related demonstration programs.
c. Enter into contracts with private businesses for the study and treatment of pollution, water quality, invasive species
problems and related demonstration programs.
d. Undertake research to determine the condition and development of the bodies of water included within the LJALID and to transmit the studies to the Department of Natural Resources, the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, and other interested authorities.
e. Make cooperative agreements with the United States, State of Minnesota, Wright County, South Side Township, or other organizations, public or private, to effect water and related land and related land resource programs.
f. Conduct programs of water improvement, conservation and education.
g. Implement and continue water quality monitoring programs.
h. Serve as the local sponsor for grants as applicable.
i. Provide input to the local Soil and Water Conservation District regarding water use and applications
as deemed necessary and reasonable.
j. Prepare plans and conduct studies, developments and implementations as allowed or permitted by law
and approved by the County Board.
k. Implement any other programs felt necessary to maintain the water quality of Lake John, as presented
to and approved by the LJALID Board of Directors.